VMS to Unix (OSF/1)  Command Cross Reference
     			[NOTE: Unix is case sensitive.]

VMS					Unix (OSF/1)
$ APPEND newstuff masterfile		% cat newstuff m >>masterfile
$ BACKUP args...			% tar args...
$ CONTINUE				% fg
$ COPY oldname newname  		% cp oldname newname 
$ COPY file1,file2,file3 newfile	% cat file1 file2 file3 >newfile
$ CREATE/DIRECTORY [.dirname]		% mkdir dirname
$ DELETE dirname.DIR;*			% rmdir dirname
$ DELETE filename			% rm filename
$ DELETE *.*;*				% rm *     <=== CAUTION!!!
$ DELETE/CONFIRM [.dir]*.*;*		% rm -ir dir
$ DELETE/ENTRY=entry-id			% lprm -P printer entry-id
$ DIFFERENCES file1 file2		% diff file1 file2
$ DIRECTORY				% ls
$ DIRECTORY [...]			% ls -R
$ DIRECTORY/NOHEAD/NOTRAIL [...]*.c	% find . -name "*.c" -print
$ EVE filename				% pico filename
$ FTP					% ftp
$ HELP topic				% man topic
$ KERMIT        			% kermit
$ MAIL					% pine
$ PHONE username			% talk username
$ PRINT/QUEUE=printer filename		% lpr -P printer filename
$ RENAME oldname newname		% mv oldname newname
$ SEARCH filename "string"		% fgrep -i "string" filename
$ SEARCH/EXACT filename "string"	% fgrep "string" filename
$ SET DEFAULT [-]			% cd ..
$ SET DEFAULT [.dirname]		% cd dirname
$ SET DEFAULT [j_user]			% cd ~jtu
$ SET DEFAULT dsko:[j_user.subdir]	% cd /o/jtu/subdir
$ SET DEFAULT [000000]			% cd /
$ SET PROTECTION=(O:RWED) filename	% chmod u=rwx filename
$ SET HOST sys-name			% rlogin sys-name
$ SET PASSWORD  			% passwd
$ SET TERMINAL/DEVICE=VT100		% setenv TERM vt100
$ SHOW DEFAULT				% pwd
$ SHOW PROCESS				% ps
$ SHOW QUEUE printer			% lpq -P printer
$ SHOW QUOTA				% showquota
$ SHOW SYSTEM				% w
$ SHOW TIME				% date
$ SHOW USERS				% who
$ SORT in-file out-file			% sort in-file >out-file
$ SPELL filename			% ispell filename
$ STOP PROCESS/ID=process-id		% kill process-id
$ TELNET				% telnet
$ TYPE file				% cat filename
$ TYPE/PAGE filename			% more filename
$ WAIT hh:mm:ss				% sleep total-seconds
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT expression		% echo expression

$ COPY oldname newname			% cp oldname newname
$ COPY file1, file2, file3 newfile	% cat file1 file2 file3 >newfile
$ APPEND file1,file2  masterfile	% cat file1 file2 >>masterfile
$ RENAME oldname newname		% mv oldname newname

The cp command copies a source file (or the files in a source directory) to 
a destination file (or directory).  Use the cat command to concatenate 
files together and/or to append to an existing file.  See man cp, man cat, 
and man csh for more information.

$ mydir == "DIRECTORY/SIZE/DATE"	% alias mydir 'ls -l'
$ mydir *.c     			% mydir  

Use the alias command to define your own command verbs. Like VMS, it is 
probably unwise to re-define existing commands since shell scripts may 
depend upon the default behavior.  See man csh for more information. 

$ SPAWN/NOWAIT cmd	                % cmd &

The & operator causes asynchronous execution of the preceding pipeline (the 
shell does not wait for the pipeline to finish).  See man csh for more 

$ cmd/OUTPUT=filename	                % cmd >filename
- or -
$ cmd

The > operator directs the standard output of a program, which by default 
is your terminal, to the specified filename.  If the named file does not 
exist, it is created; if the file exists, it is truncated, and its previous 
contents are lost.  See man csh for more information.

$ @filename				% chmod u+x filename
     					% filename

To execute a shell script (analogous to a VMS ".COM" file or an MS-DOS  
".BAT" file), set the file's protection to be executable (this only needs 
to be done once). The script can now be executed by simply entering its 
name at the shell prompt.See man csh for more information.

$ CC filename				% cc filename.c
$ LINK filename				% a.out
$ RUN filename				<program output>
<program output>

The C compiler produces an executable image in one step.   The resulting 
image is named a.out by default.  Note that with VMS, the file type of ".C" 
is assumed, but a different type could be used for a C source file.  The 
OSF/1 C compiler requires the filetype ".c" for C source code files, and is 
not optional.  See man cc for more information.